Charting a Resilient Future for US Workers: Solutions to Navigate an Uncertain Economy

Charting a Resilient Future for US Workers: Solutions to Navigate an Uncertain Economy

 from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Virtual Event

At a Glance 

  • three afternoons of solutions-focused virtual programming
  • keynotes by thought leaders in business, policy, and advocacy
  • research insights from workforce and labor experts

About the Conference  

Amid seismic economic shifts, workers and families have experienced highs and lows. The COVID-19 pandemic dealt a once-in-a-lifetime economic shock, followed by a robust government response to stabilize the economy. Nearly three years later, a tight labor market has led to historic wage growth and better jobs—particularly for workers earning low wages. Inflation, however, has undermined these gains, and policies to control prices could lead to higher unemployment. Longer-term trends such as income inequality, automation, climate change, and demographic shifts pose uncertainty for the present and future of work.  

And yet, with transformation comes opportunity. We invite you to join WorkRise and its partners for a virtual conference to explore the challenge and promise of the current moment, innovative policies and practices aimed at improving job quality and economic mobility, and creative, cross-sector solutions that are turning risk into resilience so that workers, businesses, and communities can thrive. Each day will be anchored around a specific theme, and leaders and doers from our stakeholder networks, including workers, employers, policymakers, practitioners, researchers, and advocates, will share actionable insights and solutions to navigate the road ahead. Workers will also share reflections on their experiences with economic uncertainty and their hopes about the future. 

Who Should Attend?  

This conference is relevant to employers and business leaders, talent professionals, service and training providers, worker advocates, program administrators, policymakers, and all changemakers working to support economic mobility in the labor force. Members of the news media covering workforce, labor markets, and the economy will find new ideas and important context to shape coverage of these topics. We invite attendees to apply lessons from the event to their own work in advancing workers’ economic mobility through policy, practice, and partnerships.  

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