Communicating Your Vision For The Future

Communicating Your Vision For The Future

 from 12:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Washington Hilton
1919 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20009, USA (map)

Class Description: Many futurists have brilliant ideas yet do a poor job of communicating their vision to others. This drastically limits their influence and ability to create meaningful change. What if futurists could speak and write in simple, elegant language? This short Master Class will give attendees clear guidelines and practical exercises for communicating their ideas and articulating their vision. Each participant will work on their own vision during the session, with individual feedback and coaching. Corresponding skills for effective communication are listening, being able to interpret non verbal communication and engaging in generative dialog. Master Capacities in communication are essential for communities, organizations and leaders to thrive in a world that is increasingly complex, interconnected, interdependent, and complex. Each participant will work on their own vision during the session,with individual feedback and coaching.


Tim Ward

Tim Ward

Preparing For A World That Doesn't Exist—Yet
Neil Richardson

Neil Richardson

Preparing For A World That Doesn't Exist—Yet

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