Data Privacy and Law Enforcement: Balancing Rights and Responsibilities

Data Privacy and Law Enforcement: Balancing Rights and Responsibilities

 from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Virtual Event

The sensitivity of the information people put online is often undervalued. For example, location data from fitness trackers or navigation systems could be used to help locate missing persons and/or as evidence in a criminal proceeding. Some recent incidents involving facial recognition and some period tracking apps raised concerns around the potential risks associated with law enforcement’s access to personal data. As the general public becomes more aware of these risks, policymakers must aim to strike a balance between ensuring that law enforcement agencies are meeting transparency, privacy, and security expectations and ensuring that law enforcement agencies have the necessary tools and safeguards to protect the diverse communities they serve.

The Bipartisan Policy Center will host a discussion on law enforcement practices for collecting and using data and federal policy approaches to it. Leading voices in the privacy and public safety fields will examine the current state of law enforcement data collection and use, the impact of emerging technologies on data privacy and public safety, and the effects of the American Data Privacy and Protection Act and other potential legislation.

Featured Participants


Jake Parker | Senior Director of Government Relations, Security Industry Association (SIA)

Gabrielle Hibbert | Adjunct Lecturer, Brandeis University; Government Affairs and Policy Officer, Least Authority

Joseph Chacon | Chief of Police in Austin, Texas, representing Major Cities Chiefs Association

Moderated by:

Tom Romanoff | Director of Technology Project, BPC

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