Finding Your Personal Superpower

Finding Your Personal Superpower

 from 2:45 pm to 4:30 pm
Forty Plus of Washington Inc
1627 K St NW #300, Washington, DC (map)

I help people define their brands, discover what separates them from the competition (that's your superpower!), then find the perfect words to describe it to attract the right clients.

My brand promise:

To guide you to know who you are, what you’re really selling, and how to articulate it everywhere SO THAT the people who need your help can find you. You get to do your good work, they get the help they need, and you can make money.

Your job is to know who you are, what you do, say it out loud courageously, and then live your superpower.


Maggy Sterner

Brand and Business Coach

I bring my TV and radio reporter background, my life coach training with CTI and everything I learned in CTI’s 10-month leadership program, and my expertise as a “geek-to-human translator” to your branding journey.

I'm your navigator, cheerleader, translator, and wordsmith to help you have a much better shot at getting what you keep saying you want.

If you're a coach, consultant, or creative type, I speak your language.

My story

I've had a lot of jobs.

Like many of you, my biggest “problem” was I liked a lot of things: photography, geeky computer stuff, art, writing, coaching, journalism. It's been my life's challenge to figure out which road to take when they all look so shiny/pretty.

I've been blessed to have had  many dream jobs and I know how hard it can be to choose one thing.

What helped me get out of my own head and on my path as a brand coach was asking for help.

What made all the difference was discovering my superpower – the thing I brought to every party, no matter what job I had.

We are our own blind spots. We can’t see our gifts – our “zone of genius” – because we just can’t.

My superpower

It's this: I can walk into the middle of a story (whether it's a volcano erupting or your business), find the essence of what's really going on, and translate it into words a five-year old could understand. I'm the one who says, ‘Oh, this is what’s really happening here.

But I'm only the translator and wordsmith. The story is all yours and when we're done, you get to know it and own it.

What I want for you

To find your superpower, be able to tell the world about it simply, clearly, and powerfully, and then go do it. The people who need you are waiting for you to show up.

What I believe

  • When you know who you are, your path is clear. It’s not easy. You’ll fall down. But knowing who you are and what you stand for is where you get the strength to get back up and keep going.
  • Asking for help is critical to your success as a business owner. We can’t do it alone.
  • The more you say out loud what you’re doing, using words that people can understand, the real-er what you’re doing gets, and you can experience success, as you define it.
  • I believe our job as humans is to do the job we’re best at and stop poking ourselves and each other in the eyes with sharp sticks out of boredom.
  • When you know what your job is in the world, you’re so busy doing it there’s no time to make mischief with yourself or others.


Maggy Sterner

Maggy Sterner

Brand and Business Coach


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