From Competition to Competitiveness: Unlocking Growth and Productivity in LAC

From Competition to Competitiveness: Unlocking Growth and Productivity in LAC

 at 6:00 pm
Virtual Event

In Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), competition can be a powerful engine for economic growth and productivity. When markets are competitive, innovation can flourish. This leads to greater efficiency, lower costs and, ultimately, greater choice for consumers. In LAC, this is a very important debate. But while the region has made significant progress in economic stabilization over recent decades, growth has stalled in recent years. The latest regional economic review by the World Bank titled “Competition: The Missing Ingredient for Growth?” identifies low levels of competition as an important factor contributing to low economic growth in the region.

What is the relationship between competition and economic competitiveness? How can governments and businesses work together to craft a framework that is conducive to higher competitiveness? How can competition and competitiveness feature in decisionmakers’ agendas?

Join the Atlantic Council and the World Bank for an in-person event at the Atlantic Council headquarters on Monday, June 10, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. (ET), featuring Latin America’s top economic minds and private sector leaders discussing how to design smart competition policies that lead to more competitive economies.

The conversation is part of the Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center’s #ProactiveLAC event series, which provides insight to countries in the region on how to advance economic reactivation and prosperity across Latin America and the Caribbean.


William Maloney
Chief Economist for Latin America & Caribbean
World Bank



Jason Marczak

Vice President and Senior Director

Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center



Maria-Leticia Ossa Daza
Paul Weiss

Santiago Levy
Nonresident Senior Fellow, former Deputy Minister,
Brookings, Ministry of Finance and Public Credit of Mexico

Marcela Meléndez
Deputy Chief Economist, Latin America & Caribbean
World Bank

Andrea Butelmann
Partner, former Judge
Butelmann Consultores, Chilean Competition Tribunal


Juan Carlos Lopez
Chief Correspondent
CNN en Español


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