H. Res. 931, H. Res. 1006, H. Res. 1052, H. Res. 1055, H.R. 1567, H.R. 4591, H.R. 5273, H.R. 6018, H.R. 6413, and H.R. 6651

H. Res. 931, H. Res. 1006, H. Res. 1052, H. Res. 1055, H.R. 1567, H.R. 4591, H.R. 5273, H.R. 6018, H.R. 6413, and H.R. 6651

 at 2:00 pm
Rayburn House Office Building
2172 Rayburn (map)

H. Res. 931

H. Res. 931, Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the 85th anniversary of the Ukrainian Famine of 1932–1933, known as the Holodomor, should serve as a reminder of repressive Soviet policies against the people of Ukraine.

H. Res. 1006

H. Res. 1006, Condemning the deteriorating situation in Venezuela and the regional humanitarian crisis it has caused, affirming support for the legitimate National Assembly and the Supreme Court, and urging further regional action in support of democracy in Venezuela.

An Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute is expected to be offered by Mr. Cook.

H. Res. 1052

H. Res. 1052, Affirming United States-Australia cooperation on space research, exploration, and utilization.

H. Res. 1055

H. Res. 1055, To affirm strong United States-Liberia ties and support for democratic principles, and call for full implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission recommendations, including the establishment of an Extraordinary Criminal Tribunal for Liberia.

H.R. 1567, United States-Mexico Economic Partnership Act

H.R. 1567, To promote economic partnership and cooperation between the United States and Mexico.

An Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute is expected to be offered by Mr. Castro.

H.R. 4591, Preventing Iranian Destabilization of Iraq Act of 2017

H.R. 4591, To impose sanctions with respect to Iranian persons that threaten the peace or stability of Iraq or the Government of Iraq.

An Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute is expected to be offered by Mr. Kinzinger.

H.R. 5273, Global Fragility and Violence Reduction Act of 2018

H.R. 5273, To reduce global fragility and violence by improving the capacity of the United States to reduce and address the causes of violence, violent conflict, and fragility in pilot countries, and for other purposes.

An Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute is expected to be offered by Mr. Engel.

H.R. 6018, Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership Act of 2018

H.R. 6018, To establish an interagency program to assist countries in the Sahel, Maghreb, and adjacent regions of Africa to improve immediate and long-term capabilities to counter terrorist threats, and for other purposes.

An Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute is expected to be offered by Mr. McCaul.

H.R. 6413, STOP Organ Trafficking Act

H.R. 6413, To combat trafficking in human organs, and for other purposes.

H.R. 6651, PEPFAR Extension Act of 2018

H.R. 6651, To extend certain authorities relating to United Sates efforts to combat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria globally, and for other purposes.

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