How to Generate Income During Career Transition

How to Generate Income During Career Transition

 from 12:00 am to 2:00 am
Forty Plus of Washington Inc
1627 K St NW #300, Washington, DC (map)

For those of us navigating a career transition, progress may not come as quickly as we'd like, yet our ongoing expenses continue.  How can we identify new and creative ways to generate income to help us through these challenging times?  What tools and resources are available to help us assess the value of what we can offer, and identify people and groups that would be willing to pay us for our expertise.

  Join us for this timely discussion, as many of us may be starting the New Year with the costs of the holidays on our minds.


Angela Heath

TKC Incorporated

Speaker, Trainer and Author Angela Heath is a woman with much to say and people are listening. As a mentor and coach to baby boomers, Angela helps you launch into your life purpose building on the dreams, talents and experience your already have! She frequently states with passion, You cant live 45 years without having something of value that others are seeking and are willing to pay for. Its simply impossible!  

Over two decades ago, Angela stopped working to make others successful and began living her dream life speaking and training around the country.  A well-respected gerontologist, Angela Heath has researched and developed educational materials for baby boomers and seniors on dozens of topics.  However, everywhere she traveled, people would approach her and ask how she got started in business and requested tips to help them follow their passion.


She found herself facilitating accountability groups, writing articles and coaching boomers and others on how to monetize what they already know. Angela teaches finding convergence where talents, passions and experience collide; becoming before doing; using existing platforms for quick growth, marketing and growth strategies and thought leadership development.

Edmund Fleet
Past Executive Director
Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus (THEARC) - Building Bridges Across the River

  Served as the public face of the Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus (THEARC). Provided leadership and supervision to a staff of 20 to achieve the strategic goals and mission of the organization. Established policies and procedures governing the utilization of resources and activities for the staff.   Provided strategic direction in collaboration with the non-profits servicing the community: Corcoran ArtReach, Boys & Girls Club of Greater Washington, Children's Hospital, Covenant House, Levine Music, LIFT DC, Trinity University, THEARC Theater, The Washington School for Girls and The Washington Ballet. Edmund is also a recent graduate of the 40Plus Career Transition Skills Training Course and will share how the course helped him identify the skills and value he can offer to others during his search for a new position. Thursday, January 18th
7:00 pm 9:00 pm
7:00 pm 7:30 pm Open Networking with Light Refreshments
7:30 pm 8:30 pm  Presentation
8:30 pm  9:00 pm Networking continues


Angela Heath

Angela Heath

TKC Incorporated
Edmund Fleet

Edmund Fleet


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