Putting Communities First: How Immigration Reform Will Drive Economic Growth

Putting Communities First: How Immigration Reform Will Drive Economic Growth

 from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Virtual Event

Throughout our history, America has had the opportunity to grow and thrive because we have attracted and welcomed the most talented and the hardest working people to our shores. The ability for someone to become an American is unique to our national identity and an essential part of our country’s economic engine. Today, our immigration system is broken and failing to meet the needs of our nation and local communities.  

Please join the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on July 22 at 2:00 pm ET, for Immigration Across the Nation: An Economic Imperative. This event will bring together stakeholders to discuss the significant negative impacts our broken immigration system has on states and local communities and industries across the country.   As part of the event, the U.S. Chamber will launch a new effort to highlight the important impact immigration can have in supporting economic growth and prosperity in cities and towns across the nation. Stay tuned for more details on the agenda and our speakers - coming soon - and register here. 

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