Regional Dynamics in Context: A Conversation with His Excellency Walid Joumblatt

Regional Dynamics in Context: A Conversation with His Excellency Walid Joumblatt

 from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Virtual Event

Join the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations for a conversation with H.E. Walid Joumblatt exploring dynamics in Lebanon and the wider Middle East. Mr. Joumblatt is a politician and leader who has served in Lebanon for decades. He will analyze and provide context for the latest developments in the Levant and Middle East North Africa region during his discussion with the National Council.


Walid Joumblatt

Walid Joumblatt

Abbas Dahouk

Abbas Dahouk

National Council on US-Arab Relations
Dr. John Duke Anthony

Dr. John Duke Anthony

Founding President & CEO
National Council on US-Arab Relations

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