The New Rules of Work

The New Rules of Work

 at 9:00 pm
Virtual Event

Society is at a decision point when it comes to work. After three years of Covid disruption, companies and organizations are deciding what the new workplace looks like, enacting policies and running experiments that shape everything from the length of the workweek to where employees can live.

Our Member Exchange panel will cover the state of work for women as the pandemic eases — as businesses decide workplace policies that will impact women’s lives for years and as many women fundamentally rethink their relationship with work and their employers. How can society — businesses, governments and educational institutions — break down outdated systems and craft a new, better future of work for women?

In our second panel, women leading in the sports world and in Congress will talk about how professional sports is changing for women, what still needs to change, and what the world of women’s sports can tell us about the future of work for women writ large.

Join POLITICO’s Women Rule on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 4:00 PM ET at the Waldorf Astoria Washington D.C., for a series of conversations to figure out what this all means for women, how women themselves are shaping the new rules of work, and what our institutions still need to do to make sure women thrive in their workplaces.

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