TransAfrica and BloomScreen present Twelve Disciples of Nelson Mandela: A Son's Tribute to Unsung Heroes

TransAfrica and BloomScreen present Twelve Disciples of Nelson Mandela: A Son's Tribute to Unsung Heroes

 from 11:00 pm to 1:00 am
3222 11th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20010 (map)

Join TransAfrica and BloomBars as we commemorate Mandela Day (18 July) and Nelson Mandela's 95th Birthday with the screening of Twelve Disciples of Nelson Mandela: A Son's Tribute to Unsung Heroes (2006, 73 min), by Thomas Allen Harris.

Thomas Allen Harris' bittersweet eulogy to his stepfather tells the story of the freedom fighters from South Africa who went into exile to keep the struggle alive during the harshest years of apartheid.

Director Thomas Allen Harris will be available for a post-screening discussion by skype.

Suggested Donation: $10. Free popcorn and refreshments provided.

Proceeds will benefit both TransAfrica and BloomBars. Your support of TransAfrica will help amplify the voice of millions of people in Africa and throughout the Diaspora. Gifts to BloomBars helps support its programs and work in the community.

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