What's New in the Job Market in Washington?

What's New in the Job Market in Washington?

 from 2:45 pm to 4:30 pm
Forty Plus of Washington Inc
1627 K St NW #300, Washington, DC (map)

What's New in the Job Market in Washington with John Reynolds, HireStrategy

Public vs. Private Sector Job Market is Latest Beltway Battleground

  HireStrategy, a leading provider of professional staffing services for the Washington region, released their latest report on the region's job market, which examines general workplace topics like employee satisfaction and trust in employers, but also digs into Washington, D.C.-specific issues like fluidity between public and private sector, commuting, and more.  

As it goes in D.C., there are two major parties that influence the way things are run – the public and private sectors. The scale of public sector is the most defining feature of the D.C. economy and there is a perceived frictional dynamic between the public and private sector – yet the survey revealed that few differences exist between the two.

Employees in both sectors  89 percent of public sector employees and 86 percent of private sector employees overwhelmingly indicate they'd be open to working in the other. Yet with this openness what’s most notable is that both parties still feel confined to their sector, even while more than a third report that they don't view their sector as superior.

  • Employees feel trapped: 49 percent of public sector employees feel confined to working in the public sector; 44 percent of private sector employees feel this way about the private sector.
  • Many don't believe their sector is best: 39 percent of public sector employees don’t think the public sector is better than the private sector; 33 percent of private sector employees feel this way about the private sector.
  • Still, the grass isn't any greener: 93 percent of private sector and 89 percent of public sector employees are satisfied at work; each indicated the industry they work in and the work they do as the top areas where they find satisfaction in their job.

Not surprisingly, public sector employees did rank job security (84%) as a benefit, higher than private sector employees, while the private sector indicated higher salary was of more value to them at 85 percent.

Learn more about the latest workplace trends, and how to position yourself to land your next role.


John Reynolds

Director- Technology Search

I pride myself in being self-reliant and motivated to continually produce high-quality work within a timely and productive fashion. I enjoy being engaged in challenging situations that will allow me to strengthen my core foundations of communication, leadership, and problem solving skills. Eager to embrace change in a dynamic workplace, I boldly take on new responsibilities and requirements within my field. Believing in the concept of life-long learning, I actively pursue mentorship, participation in educational development, and enhanced skills training.
As a member of our community, my work reflects the global values of self-discovery, ethical and moral responsibility, and above all else, integrity. My professional and career goals are to create new concepts for educational development, sales representation, and broadening social outreach.
By helping others achieve more than what they might have become, we grow both as a person and civically. Challenging preconceived notions and beliefs, together we build awareness and growth; renewing our spark for enlightenment.


John Reynolds

John Reynolds

Director, Technology Search


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