You’re Not Ready to Network Until …… And Other Practical Job-Search Tips

You’re Not Ready to Network Until …… And Other Practical Job-Search Tips

 from 2:45 pm to 4:30 pm
Forty Plus of Washington Inc
1627 K St NW #300, Washington, DC (map)

Research and statistics indicate that 70 % of all jobs are found through networking!  This workshop focuses specifically on networking effectively, enjoying it and getting results. The agenda includes a comprehensive overview of the job-search process, necessary preparation and techniques to get the most from networking meetings and various tools, protocols and tips to keep job-seekers organized, efficient and motivated to, ultimately, land the right job.

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Joan Sherman is a job-search and career coach in Washington, DC. Her career spans 30+ years in the commercial and international insurance business then, providing human capital consulting to several Federal government agencies. She has held a variety of professional roles in sales, management and corporate training including organizational development consulting.

Joan has a broad perspective on “selling yourself,” knowledge of the world of work and is a turbo-networker with a golden rolodex! Her direct, collaborative style, demanding approach and inventive concepts accelerate the "job-search process" to help others develop the necessary skills & tools to find fulfilling careers.


Joan Sherman

Joan Sherman



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